A couple years ago (2005) if you had told me we were going to be catching these simple, easy 20-30 lb. baby Blue fin Tuna on the heaviest tackle known to man and it would most likely hurt you really bad, possibly throw your back out for weeks, I would have said
Naaahhh.... But here we are, not only are the cute little Tuna that were approximately 30-33" and jumping around
in front of my
Glacier Bay Catamaran outside of
Westport Harbor, now putting truck size holes in the water off
Gloucester, Massachusetts, they are mean (grrrr). I watched as Ryan and Rob worked hard (I had to run the camera) on a Tuna that was around 75 inches today. It was totally nuts. We all saw it eat a
Tattoo Sea Dog (white) like it was a small piece of candy left in front of a hungry French guy who has not eaten in three weeks and then the battle was on. Ryan did his part. He whined, got really sweaty, and looked like he was going to black out before Rob stepped in and brought the fish to the boat, where we gaffed it and brought it along side the boat (which suddenly looked small). I called Ryan a sissy, I did, but this fish was HUGE and I am glad he hooked it instead of me.